Almost a Drive-up:
Approaching The Highpoint of the State of Hawaii

Onizuka Visitors Center on Mauna Kea
Onizuka Visitors Center at 9,200' on Mauna Kea


Memorial Bas Relief to Elison Onizuka?
Memorial Bas Relief to Elison Onizuka


Mauna Kea Summit Trails
Mauna Kea Summit Trails

Mauna Kea Summit Trails
The "usual" summit trail is marked in magenta and requires walking down the rather steep slope from the road to the saddle between the observatory area to the saddle between there and the summit, proper. The fainter use trail marked in yellow contours along this slope across the road from a parking area just before the first of the observatories. It involves a bit less downhill walking and isn't nearly as steep down to the saddle.


Trail to Mauna Kea Summit Follows the Ridgeline
Once you reach the saddle, the summit use trail ascends along the ridgeline to the summit, proper.


Warning Signs at the Summit Trailhead
At the "usual" trail, you will be greeted by these signs warning of conditions if snow is present. The summit trail along the ridgeline is visibl behind the warning sign.
